The saliweb.test Python module

Utility classes and functions to aid in testing Sali lab web services.


The full path to the temporary directory.

class saliweb.test.MockJob(name, directory)

A temporary job for testing web service results pages. Create by calling make_frontend_job().

directory = None

Temporary directory containing result files (see make_file())

make_file(name, contents='')

Make a file in the job’s directory with the given contents

name = None

Job name

passwd = None

Password needed to construct URLs for this job

class saliweb.test.TestCase(methodName='runTest')

Custom TestCase subclass for testing Sali web service backends


Get the full path to the directory containing test scripts. This can be useful for getting supplemental files needed by tests, which can be stored in a subdirectory of the test directory.

make_test_job(jobcls, state)

Make a test job of the given class in the given state (e.g. RUNNING, POSTPROCESSING) and return the new object. A temporary directory is created for the job to use (as and will be deleted automatically once the object is destroyed.


Get a valid mock Modeller key for testing

saliweb.test.import_mocked_frontend(pkgname, test_file, topdir)

Import the named frontend module (e.g. ‘modloop’), and return it. This sets up the environment with mocked configuration so that the module can be tested without being installed and without a live database. For this to work properly, it should be called before importing saliweb.frontend.

  • pkgname (str) – The name of the web service frontend Python module to import.

  • test_file (str) – File name of the test file (usually __file__).

  • topdir (str) – Relative path from the test file to the top-level Python directory, i.e. that from which ‘import pkgname’ will work.


Context manager to make a temporary job. See MockJob. This can be used to test the job results page and the download of results files.


Simple context manager to run in a temporary directory. While the context manager is active (within the ‘with’ block) the current working directory is set to a temporary directory. When the context manager exists, the working directory is reset and the temporary directory deleted.


Context manager to temporarily set the working directory. While the context manager is active (within the ‘with’ block) the current working directory is set to workdir. When the context manager exists, the working directory is reset.